Y’all are so funny! All your comments about my floor. Thanks So, one thing that I have going for me is that we are in a new house. The floors are beautifully shiny! To maintain the shine, I do 3 things.
1. Let the babies eat crumbs. I know it sounds like I treat them like dogs. Not really. Its just that they are so stinkin’ fast, it is hard to fish everything out of their mouths! So, I just let them ea and don’t stress about it. I watch them like a hawk (most of the time) & have had to sweep their mouths of many many things they shouldn’t eat (plastic wrappers, tags, rocks, etc), but a few left over crumbs – no biggie.
2. Sweep. I try to sweep daily, but it doesn’t always happen.
3. A hardwood floor cleaner, Bona. I had been cleaning my floors with just a little bit of water & a cloth, but when my mother-in-law got me this and oh my word, it just shined my floors right up! I also use a flat microfiber mop. All I have to do is spritz (I love that word!) on the Bona & then wipe it clean with the mop. I try to do this about 1 time a week.
Tonight I took you swimming for the first time. I didn’t bring my camera because I thought you would be hanging onto my neck for dear life. However, I was so proud of you because you were a little fishie. You started off being a little scared, but one you got in, you kicked your legs, splashed your arms, and even blew bubbles in the water. You loved spinning around as fast as I could go. I am so proud of you loving the water. I think my favorite part was just being so close to you – face to face – and seeing the magic of experiencing something new through your eyes. It was amazing. I won’t ever forget it. Hey, once you get really good at swimming, I will teach you some synchronized swimming moves (I was on a synchronized swim team for a year in college – the Aqua Angels)!! Ha!
Aaaaannnd, I am also so proud of you because you went wee-wee in the potty while we were at the pool! Operation Potty Training here we come… well, not until we get back from NC, but we’re headed that way!
I love you so much~