To Change Your Day…

Today was really good.  Much better than yesterday or the day before that. 

Do you know why? 

Because I got up at 6 am, met with Jesus, and got ready.  All it took were those 3 simple steps and bit of sacrificed sleep to make my day incredible. 

Today was a house rescue day… where I tidied up and did lots of laundry.  I also went to my first Bible study in over 2 years tonight.  It is on generational sin.   We have to draw out our family tree/ genogram.  It is intense and going to rock my world. 

I’ve got to go to bed now in order to have another fantastic day starting at 6 AM!!!

Who would have thought getting up earlier than the fam could change your day THAT much!  It does… you should try it!

Also, Warner & Maverick are pulling up all the time now on chairs & couches.  Only problem… they get stuck & have to be rescued.  It is so funny.  You know what this means… we’ll have toddlers soon.  Oh little babies, stop growing so fast. 

3 thoughts on “To Change Your Day…

  1. AMEN Sister! I only have one so since January, if miss my start before everyone else gets up, my day is usually a mess! I started getting up to run/walk/eliptical (whatever) and listen to praise & worship and talk to God. I decided that for me to keep up, I need the exercise. Way to go ML!!

  2. 9 to 10 months must be another turning point for mother’s of multiples because I just started getting up before everyone too to have devotions. Just about 14 days ago as a matter of fact. I had 3 very difficult days adjusting and 3 failures, but the other days it was SO fantastic! I am glad you were able to have that time! I love your posts! Thanks!

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