Hope has been restored like it was before Chris and I ever started trying to get pregnant. The first few months of trying, there was excitement and hope. Then, the worry and doubts began to set in after we had been trying for a while with no success. Being driven emotionally by your cycle is misery! Up and down every month.
I went to the doctor about a week and a half ago. He told us all went well in the surgery, and the tests weren’t abnormal – yea! He said I needed to wait to have one good period before we could start trying again, but said it would be wise to wait two. We will wait two.
Last Thursday I started my first period after surgery- I never have been this excited about getting it since I was 12! I even did a little dance! Another great thing was I didn’t have cramps! I was a little achy feeling, but not anything like the cramps I used to have! Dr. Wiist said that the polyps were probaby causing my cramps, and now that it is gone = no cramps. Hoo Rae!
So, all this hoping and the excitement of possibility PLUS the wonderful weather has launched me into spring cleaning mode. I completely cleaned out what will be the nursery. If you saw this room before you would not think it could be cleaned out in one day, but I did it! Now, I am able to go by that room and invision a nursery one day. I am able to stop by it to kneel and ask the Lord to fill our lives with the blessing of children.
I am believing God for His miracle in His time. Pray for me to guard my heart, and to not think baby thoughts too much.
~ ML