So the orignal post “Boy or Girl???” was supposed to go up this morning while we were at the ultrasound place. Blogger did not go by ‘my instructions.’ So, I’m starting with the original post, and adding our ‘results’ at the end of this post. (go ahead, scroll allll the way down to watch the video I KNOW you want to!)
Original post:
I thought I would record what I think this baby is going to be & old wives tales. Hoping baby cooperates tomorrow! I’m a little reserved about finding out the sex of the baby as I have read about 2 different people (blogs I follow) having been told the wrong sex recently!!! I’m going to have the ultrasound tech point out everything to us tomorrow! ha!
Okay, so here we go:
My Instinct: From about week 9 or 10, I’ve thought this baby is a girl more than I’ve thought its a boy. This pregnancy reminds me sooo much of my pregnancy with Harper – but, I know each pregnancy is different. I’ve also had days where I am convinced this is a boy. But, if I have to go with my ‘gut’ instinct, I would say it’s leaned more toward girl than boy. Girl
Dreams : So, I’ve heard both sides – if you dream it’s a girl, then you will have a boy/ dream boy, you will have a girl. But, I’ve also heard what you dream is what you get. This one helps a whole lot – huh? However, I never once had a dream about a boy baby when pregnant with Harper, and never once dreamed about a girl baby when pregnant with the boys. Weird, huh? In the beginning of this pregnancy, I dreamed another boy was added to our family, but it wasn’t really vivid. 3 nights ago I had the most vivid dream that I gave birth to a little girl who looked just like my sister. She had auburn/brown hair that was curly, and weighed 8lbs 1 oz. ha! We’ll see how true this holds up, I guess. Oh, and my mom has had some dreams and they have always been that this baby is a girl. I’m going to go with my super vivid dream & say this points to a Girl
Cravings: More like food aversions. If I had to say I craved things it would be fruit (lemons, apples, pineapple). That leans more toward girl.
Heart Rate: Has been 135 & 138. Old wives tales say if its less than 140, it means boy, so I would say boy for this one. ( I don’t remember Harper’s heartrate or the boys’ heartrates at all) Boy
Shape of Belly: Once again, no help. I have extra skin (gross, I know) from my pregnancy with the trips that throws this belly shape thing out of whack. Watermelon? Basketball? I have no idea. I haven’t really gained in my hips or thighs, though, so I guess I would say boy
Hair on Legs: grows faster than before pregnancy = boy. My leg hair seems to have slowed down! So girl
Ring Test: getting ready to do this with Harper when she wakes up from her nap. I will see if I remember to update this one later. This one has always been confusing to me though! ha!
Side I rest on: In the beginning of this pregnancy, it was always my left side. But now, I always wake up on my right. So, once again – no help!
Morning Sickness: Oh good gravy – all day sickness. Even yesterday I was sick & feeling awful (20 weeks, people!)- girl.
Nose: If your nose seems to have grown wider = boy. My nose has not grown wider (yet). I must say it did with the boys! Soooo, I guess girl.
Chinese Gender Chart: says girl.
Girl: 7
Hah! Well, looks like its a girl going by all this stuff. We will see. You may be wondering what I ‘want.’ Of course a healthy baby (what mom isn’t going to say that?!) When I first found out I was pregnant, I really wanted another girl. I wanted Harper to experience having a sister because my sister is so precious to me (my brother is, too, but it’s just different). I voiced my concern to Chris, and he made a very good point. He said, Harper may not need a sister. The path that God has planned for her, Warner, Crews, & Maverick may need a little brother. He also said, if baby #5 wasnt a girl, it would just make my relationship with Harper all the more special – we’ll be the only girls! After talking to him, my heart really was put at peace with having a boy or a girl! I am praying that baby is healthy, and that the tech can get all the measurements right away. I hope to find out if baby is a boy or girl, too! I’m going to take some sweet tea with me to get baby moving if I need to! ha!
Can’t wait to update tomorrow! Little baby is moving around like crazy in my tummy right now! Oh, and we felt the baby kick from the outside for the first time 2 nights ago! I sooooo love this part about pregnancy!!!
One more note: Harper only refers to this baby as ‘she/her.’ I told her it might be a baby brother, and she says very seriously, ‘But Mommy, it’s a baby girl, not a boy.’ I’ve tried to tell her we don’t know yet, but she is very convinced (and has been from the beginning) that it is a girl.
Baby is healthy and very active! My due date is right on track for mid-December (18th)! Baby weighed in at 14 oz. We wanted Harper to be the first one to know. Chris and I did find out in the ultrasound room because I needed the girl to show me all the parts to know if it was a boy or girl!!! We got an awesome DVD of the entire ultrasound!
Edited to add: The ladies in the video are our precious Jean & Debbie! They have kept the boys & Harper since the boys were 5 weeks old. They come every Thursday to help out with the kids and to let me get out of the house We were sooo happy they were able to celebrate the big news with us! They were sooo excited that they scared the boys – lol! Harper is over the moon to have a sister on the way, and the boys are clueless! Although, Crews will point at my tummy, then point at his. Lol!
Congratulations on the new princess!
Congratulations M-L. SO incredibly happy for you and your family!
Yay!!! Oh, my gosh, I totally teared up watching that.. what a sweet moment with your precious family!! SOOO excited for you, ML!
YEAH!!!!!!!! Oh my goodness so happy for you guys. A healthy baby girl, YEAH!!!!!!!!! Love the video and hearing your voice and laugh… too cute!
Sooo thrilled for you’re family! What a precious blessing from the Lord! Would love to see you and catch up!
ML, I had tears in my eyes, while laughing during that PRECIOUS video. I am so happy for you, there are no words. I am just amazed! You have such a beautiful family! PLEASE tell Chris I said congrats on another baby girl-what a blessing you both are to your babies:) I look at you guys and KNOW I can have a big family..if you can do it with triplets, I can do it one at a time;) Love you girl!
Congratulations! When I was pregnant with my 6th baby. and we had 4 boys and then 1 girl. She was adamant that I was pregnant with a girl. Even though we did just like you did with Harper. So we took her to the ultrasound with us and when they said it was a girl. Ally just said ” see I told you ” haha
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!!!!!!! It totally made me tear up! So sweet and congrats on a new little precious girl to join your family!!!!!
YIPPEE! Love that Harper will have a little sister! What a special way to reveal the news…that cupcake kinda resembled a belly for sure and it looked like Harper was ready to give it a good taste! Congratulations!!!
Oh I’m so excited for your family!!! What a neat way to tell Harper too
Love that most of your predictions pointed to “girl” and that Harper was so emphatic that it was a girl from the beginning too. What a precious sister bond they will have~ Yep, there’s something about sisters that is so special!!!
that’s awesome, congrats Blanton family!
How exciting! What a sweet way to let Harper share in the excitement of knowing first. Congratulations to you all!
YAYYYYYYY! So excited for Harps to experience having a sister. It is the sweetest relationship!
Hooray!!! SO super excited for you guys!