AMAZING farm fresh omelette with fruit and salad, my trusty coconut milk, and a bunless grassfed burger with all the fixin’s and a side of mustard. :-)
On Day 24, I went on a trip to the Influence Conference. Here are the snacks I packed:
- apples
- cashews
- Lara Bars
- dried fruit
- sweet potato chips (these are not approved b/c they aren’t cooked in coconut oil, but I figured they would be a better choice than regular potato chips. I also wanted to be realistic if there was a lot of junk food around.)
- guacamole cups
- coconut milk for my coffee
With all of these snacks, I was totally fine. I didn’t cheat, and I stayed focus. The most difficult part was salad dressings. I did end up eating a salad that was tossed in some sort of white balsamic dressing, but, oh well. I kept on going. Also worth mentioning, I couldn’t finish the salad because of the dressing. The taste was so strong. I didn’t realize how much my taste has changed.
Any other time, I chose the best Whole 30 choice I could. I knew not all the food would be cooked in approved oil/ghee. But, my main goal wasn’t perfection, but keeping with the overarching goal of whole and real foods.