Fridays (10:100)

Fridays are our Saturdays.  Chris is off and a calm comes over our home.  Our family is together, and although not a lot changes right now (still on ye ole schedule) it is just nice to have daddy home. 

I am very tired & Chris is pacing the kitchen waiting for me to get off the computer.  So, I will do a quick re-cap of our day. 

homemade bread
fresh brewed coffee
buttercream creamer (this is the best stuff ever!)
crying babies
bottle time
happy babies
crawling babies
install a gate
scramble eggs
wake up harps
cheerios for babies
baby food
crazy family breakfast
snuggy time – mommy, daddy, harper in our bed
shower time
clean up time
wax one eyebrow
two babies crying
one sleeps on
target run – daddy & harper
mom home – laundry, wrangle babies, talk on the phone to a friend
lunch time – turkey wraps, doritoes, clementines
play time on the floor with all
baby einstein  (I don’t care if you are a rip off, you bring peace to our home)
bottle time
harper wants- some-ping else to eat
aaahhh naptime
peace & quiet
read a book
power nap
clean kitchen
start dinner
playtime upstairs
dinner time
family walk
pick flowers
boo-boo & tears
talk to neighbor
feel the storm coming in
get home
band-aid & kisses
bottles ready
sit down & forget what I was doing
oh burp babies
change diapers
harper wants some-ping else to eat
do post-op care on boys
change babies into jammies
harper into jammies
night night babies
read harper “mad babies” (will elaborate on this one more in a future post)
night night harper
sit down 
remember that my wax is still on upstairs & I need to wax my other eyebrow
 press the “reset” button (straighten up downstairs)
wind down
go to bed

3 thoughts on “Fridays (10:100)

  1. Whew! I’m tired just reading all of that!!! Having it all written out surely makes it seem like you accomplished the world today! Bless you, Multiples Mama!!!

  2. Well done good and faithful servant…you are raising God’s children to do His glory… you will be blessed beyond your wildest measure. We love you all!!

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