Hello there ol blog. I’ve been pondering you and if I should return to write for a while now. The tyranny of the urgent (a fancy phrase I learned in my Bible study class) has been coaxing me to wait until later. But, here I find myself sitting criss-cross applesauce in my upstairs hallway while I make sure my sweet girls – who are now 8 and 4- are trying to take a nap. Restless sleep and really early mornings coupled with what will be a late night at church is the driving force behind this mandatory nap time. The nap filled day isn’t common around here any more!
A story about what drew me back to writing… a story amongst many stories that have been coaxing my hand back. I have decided to homeschool Harper again this year. She had a fantastic time in public school last year, but over the summer we began to have more and more conversations about homeschool. She was asking me to come back home, and I knew it was for the right reasons… it wasn’t fear driven. It wasn’t due to anything negative (not that it is wrong to homeschool for that reason). I just knew putting my kids in public school was actually a God trust thing that He asked me to do, so I obeyed and He showed me He would take care of my kids no matter their education situation. Totally side tracked here from my main point… but just filling you in on our life.
So, Harper is home with me while the boys (who are now 7!!!) requested to be in separate classes. They are doing alright, but the independence isn’t proving to be as thrilling has they had hoped. J Haven is also home with us, but will begin a little preschool program in September.
As I was preparing for our tutorial, Classical Conversations, I read a quote that I want to share with you. Leigh Bortins, who created Classical Conversation shared this as she explains what CC is about,
We constantly strive to show students that all subjects are important because they all reveal God’s glory. We want students to be able to study anything the Lord puts before them and not groan, saying, “I hate Latin,” or “I’m not good at math,” which instantly shuts down opportunities to serve Him. (p 25 Foundations Guide)
After I read that quote I knew I had to write again because I want to show God’s glory! In high school, I always saw myself as a poor language arts/ grammar/ English student. I was a very slow reader, and just didn’t care to dig into literature. My papers would come back with a bagillion marks on them- just proving the point to myself more. I never felt qualified. I squeaked by English in high school, then took just what I needed in college to move onto the fascinating sciences- what I loved! So I labeled myself a ‘terrible writer.’ Shut that down quick.
Yet, somehow God has redeemed writing in my life without me really knowing it! I began to blog back in 2007 when I was desperately wanting a baby. Blogs were just coming onto the scene, even though I had been journaling years before that. It was how I spoke with God. I knew God wouldn’t judge my writing. He just wanted me to communicate with Him. So I did! Writing helped me stay concentrated instead of falling asleep while praying.
Through many babies, I could easily express my heart to my few readers. This sweet blog helped friends and family stay connected to our little life. After the triplets this blog began to grow a little, and then I felt so overwhelmed by making this blog something special. What I failed to see was that it WAS something special because it was a mother journaling about her family! I got a little overwhelmed with the possibility of growing this blog into something bigger/ more/ better, that I just had to walk away from it completely.
God has redeemed a WHOLE lot in my heart and life over these past few years. I could care less if I get 2 people who read this- in fact, let’s just keep it that way… mmmkay? Just a few eyes, and a few hearts. I hope one day my children will have this to access. A glimpse into their mother’s heart of how I dealt with life.
Back to the quote…. I read that quote and had to write. I’m writing for God’s glory- for all He has done for me! Our life is sweet and beautiful and precious. I enjoy fully living it! I won’t capture it all… that is for darn sure. Sometimes just eating the ice cream cone first is SO much better than stopping to take a picture of it! Yet, I would give anything to take a glimpse into my grandmother’s life when she was raising her 5 kids! Now, we can do that, so I’m back! I’m sure it will be here and there, but this ol’ little home of mine on the internet is about to get a little lovin’! I’m not letting my fear of not being a great writer stop me! It’s just me making my little corner of the internet a cozy little home!
Home <3
Now, onto the load of laundry sitting to my left, and then my calendar with a big to do check list sitting to my right. Happy Wednesday!
I started reading your blog before I had children. I recently stumbled back upon it (it was in my bookmarks on an old computer) Im now the mother of two boys 4 and 19 months) and one baby girl who never came home. I love reading the musings of mother hood even more now as I can relate. so Thank you for blogging, and thank you for returning to it!
You are AWESOME at what you do……raising up little ones to love the Lord and loving on your hubby! Don’t forget that.![:)](https://hopefilledhome.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/simple-smile.png)
We are PROUD of you…keep smiling, because you make us smile
love you!!