Almost 32 Weeks!!

Yahoo! Well, our doctor’s appointment was great today! God has given me a supernatural ability to carry these boys! And I praise Him all the way!!!!! We have some big boys – I can’t believe I’m carrying almost 13 lbs of baby!

Baby A: 4.7 lbs
Baby B: 4.5 lbs
Baby C: 4.0 lbs

As we get further along in the pregnancy, these estimated weights on ultrasound can vary up to .5 – 1 lb. The ultrasound looked so confusing… it was just a jumble of baby body parts b/c they are so big!!!

I haven’t dilated anymore than 1cm, so it looks like they are staying in there for now! :-) I keep telling myself just one more week, one more week. Our doctor is still out of town, but we talked to the NP today, and she said that our c-section will probably be scheduled for around 36 weeks (once they get the July on-call schedule in). Dr. Kang is usually on call Thursdays and Mondays, so our c-section will probably be scheduled for July 23 or July 27! Crazy!!!! I will be asking for July 23 :-) hahah… so 1 month from today I could be holding our boys!!!

I will post a picture soon of the gigantor belly- once I take one. For now, I’m going to go take a nap :-)

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for your prayers!!!


9 thoughts on “Almost 32 Weeks!!

  1. MLB – Have you read any Eugenia Price books? Being the Southern Belle that you are, you might like them. The are all set around the the GA coast and low country and the time is during the 1800’s. There is a GA series, a Savannah series and I think the first ones she wrote are Light House, New Moon Rising and The Beloved Invader. :) These might keep you busy.

  2. ML-
    I just checked out your site to see how you are doing! miss you on the ovusoft forums, but so happy to hear the boys are hanging in there! The next few weeks will fly by, at least that is what I am counting on for myself!
    Take care!
    (mom of Cooper and soon to be Bennett, hls02)

  3. Wow, great job making it to 32 weeks! I’ll be SO impressed if you hit 36 weeks! That’s almost full term for just 1 baby!! Keep up the good work! Won’t it be great when you have 3 big healthy baby boys!!

  4. ML, I have been reading for a few weeks now. Praise the Lord for such a good report! You are doing a superb job at growing these little guys! Way to go Mommy! :)

    I look forward to hearing all about these sweet little ones when they make their grand entrance.

    God bless,

  5. MLB, I so love reading your posts! God is just showing his power thru your pregnancy and I think it’s because you will brag on HIM!! What a blessed place you are in!! Although I don’t comment often, I pray often! How exciting that you are getting so close! Lots of love coming your way!

  6. Oh, God is so good and you are doing so well! They are big babies and you are doing great! Praise the Lord!!!! Yes, please post pictures soon, and of the nursery too!

  7. Wow! God is so amazing. I am thrilled that you will make it to 36 weeks, that is really astounding. What a testimony your pregnancy is. And as to your previous post about being without AC, darlin’ my hat is off to you! I am sweltering even with the AC blasting and I only have one baby growing inside! I can’t believe how close in age our babies will be–who would have thought, all those years ago in highschool and college? I will keep praying for you, Chris, Harper and those sweet baby boys!

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