Go Look At These!!!

Want to see some precious pictures? Go HERE

By the way…

Happy Halloween. Did we dress up? Well, if you count…

Harper staying in her pj’s all day being almost completely covered in chocolate

…Chris dressing like a crazy Georgia Tech fan (for the good reason that he went to the GT game)

…Me wearing my new apron & donning Persian Melon (like the 1940’s house wife I am & in memory of my Mama Dot)

…And the boys acting like complete maniacs because it is a full moon & they are adjusting to new 4 hour schedule…

then yes we dressed up!!!! And ate pumpkin chocolate chip pakes (pancakes) for breakfast AND dinner

…it was quite the fun day… maybe next year we will even carve a pumpkin! I know… we’re wild.

(And in other news… the boys slept through the night with out a peep from ANY of them last night. First time. It was delightful, but after my body tasted so much sleep… it only wanted more. Sheesh. Maybe I’ll get some more tonight – hopefully!!! But won’t gain an extra hour since babies don’t turn back their clocks. Oh well. )

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