6 Months!

Harper turned 6 months on August 13. We went to the Dr that morning (the first time with out Daddy). It was our fastest appointment yet! Harper weighs…

14 lbs 11 oz (25%)
26.5 inches (75 %)

Her ‘fast’ growth has slowed down some. She is still our bean pole, but is putting on some chunk on her legs and is soooo cute! She did get her shots – which I was a little reserved about her getting because she had a fever last time (yes, I know its normal) and her eczema flared up a lot. However, we still got them and she did completely fine. Cried when she got stuck, but stopped right after I picked her up. She was a little more fussy the rest of the evening, but was fine through the night and the next morning. Her eczema doesn’t look as bad either. Hooray!

We also got the go ahead to start food (which I already had). So her schedule goes like this now…

AM: Nurse
PM: Nurse
Bed: Nurse

We are still adjusting to the schedule. Her appetite is minimal in the morning and HUGE in the evening. So, food isn’t too appetizing to her first thing. However, she will gobble up her dinner!

After her Dr’s appointment, she came home to nap for 2 hours, then we went to the airport to pick up Grandma DeeDee! After picking her up, we went to Pei Wei for dinner and then to Maggie Moo’s Ice Cream. We sang “Happy 1/2 Birthday” to Harper in Maggie Moos while we ate ice cream in celebration. We reminisced (is that how you spell that?) about Harper’s entrance into the world! Exactly 6 months ago (as we were sitting eating our ice cream) Harper was born. I can’t imagine my life with out my little sweet pea. She is our joy and blessing from the Lord.
and now, a special message from the birthday girl herself..

xfrf d n vfbbhththtikuu


(hahah… she was so interested in what mommy was doing. She just reached over and started typing.) Okay, well it’s nap time… (YES!)

We start moving on Monday! Thank you Jesus!

3 thoughts on “6 Months!

  1. Happy 1/2 birthday Harper! What a big girl you are! (Those stats remind me of Natalie- always in the 25% for weight and 75% for height!)… Praying for you as you move! Post pictures soon!!!

  2. hahahaha i love the bday girl message. so cute!

    miss you all! can’t wait for you to move ! it will be so much fun :)

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